Student clubs

Student clubs

At a glance

Student Clubs at MU Vienna: Discover, Connect, and Thrive!

Education goes beyond the classroom. Joining a student club is not just about picking up a new interest or hobby—it's an opportunity to make lifelong friends, de-stress, and make the most of your time at MU Vienna.

Our student-led clubs organize regular activities throughout the academic year, providing a platform for you to showcase your talents, collaborate with like-minded individuals, and contribute to the vibrant campus life.

From board games to photography, we're sure there's a club for everyone. However, if none of the existing clubs grab your interest you can always start your own!

Engaging with MU's Student Clubs is a fantastic way to explore your passions, develop new skills, and broaden your horizons. It's an invitation to discover, connect, and thrive.

How to start a club

Starting a new MU Club is a great way to get involved in the Modul community and connect with your fellow students. You can share your unique talents and gain valuable experience as a club leader.  It's super easy to get started: 

Step 1  

Develop an idea & name for your club:  Make sure your idea does not duplicate an existing club listed above. 

Step 2

Gather members & select leaders: There must be a minimum of 5 members and at least 2 leaders identified.

Step 3

Contact SSC to get the Student Club Proposal Form, Fill it out and Submit it the to the SSC

Step 4

Once approved, develop a basic semester plan of activities and get started as an official MU Club!


The MU Wine Society was created for students at MU in order to provide a platform where their passion for wine can be shared. It aims to create an environment in which wine is appreciated and knowledge about the product is developed and exchanged.

Club Leader:

David Vazzaz Plicanic, President (BSc International Management with Professional Experience)


To join or learn more, you can contact us via: Instagram

The Modul Football Club is a group of football players that gather to practice and play matches. Our main goal is to create a competitive environment where the members can play football and have fun. 

Club Leaders:

Ensar Musliji, President (MSc in Management)

Jon Haliti, Vice-President (BSc in International Management)


To join or learn more, you can contact us via: WhatsApp Group

The MU Mah-jong Club is aimed at promoting the traditional board game from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China among Modulians.

Club Leaders:

Kong Yeung, President (BBA in Tourism and Hospitality Management)

Havily Fu, Vice-President (BBA in Tourism and Hospitality Management)


To join or learn more, you can contact us via:  Instagram

Networking, socializing and improving skills and / or knowledge about the tourism and hospitality industry through participating in events.

Club Leaders:

Laura Melnicky, President (BBA in Tourism, Hotel Management and Operations)

Andjelka Bojanic, Vice-President (BBA in Tourism, Hotel Management and Operations)


To join or learn more, you can contact us via: IG @MU_THECLUB

The MU Badminton Club gathers to practice and play badminton. The goal is to create a community where students can play, be happy and have fun!

Club Leaders:

Havily Fu, President (BBA in Tourism and Hospitality Management)

Yongzhi Zhao, Vice-President (BSc in International Management)


To join or learn more, you can contact us via: Instagram

The MU Photography Club is aimed at teaching photography techniques and camera basics to all interested students.

Club Leaders:

Sohrab Namdari, President (BSc in International Management)

Maia Tsabutashvili, Vice-President (BSc in International Management)


To join or learn more, you can contact us via: Email

The Art, Book and Culture Club aims at introducing and reading books, visiting art and cultural events, organising outdoor activities and inviting guests for discussions.

Club Leaders:

Aryaneh Ahmadi, President (BBA in Tourism and Hospitality Management)

Roya Ghasemi, Vice-President (BSc in International Management)

The purpose of the Club is to educate and engage members of the Modul University Vienna community in topics related to the stock market, trading, and finance.

Club Leaders:
Ani Chankotadze, President (BSc in International Management)
Nikol Nankova, Vice President (BSc in International Management)

To join or learn more, you can contact us via:  Instagram

Student Recruitment Advisors

Andrada, Eduardo, Max and Jessica

Get In Touch
Start your application process here

Have any questions about studying at MU or the application process? Connect with our Student Recruitment Team and they will assist you every step of the way.  

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